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Document Number: ACC-MAN-06
Version Number: 1.0
Effective Date: 01 July 2024



Term Definition
Accreditation Accreditation is an assurance that a program meets a set of applicable criteria.
BAETE Accreditation Manual The BAETE Accreditation Manual is a collection of documents used by the BAETE Program Evaluators, Quality Assurance Cell, Sectoral Committees, and the Board to evaluate an engineering program. A program also prepares the Self-assessment report following the BAETE policy and accreditation criteria in the BAETE accreditation manual. There are three levels of documents in the BAETE accreditation manual. The top-level documents (document names contain either “-MAN-” or “-SOP-”) include instructions for accreditation and standard operating procedures. The mid-level documents include templates, flowcharts, etc. (document names contain either “-TMP-”, “-FLW-” or “-PLN-”). Lower-level documents include Instructions for evaluators, programs, committees, and the Board for BAETE accreditation-related activities (document names contain either “-TOR-”, “-GUI-”, “-WI-” or “-LST-”).
Benchmark A Benchmark is a point of reference against which the program's quality may be compared.
Capstone Project A capstone project is a major design experience for the students based on the knowledge and attitudes acquired in earlier coursework and the incorporation of appropriate engineering standards and design constraints.
Chemical Engineering Sector Major programs in this sector include Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Leather Engineering, Food Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Petroleum Engineering or similar programs.
Civil Engineering Sector Major programs in this sector include Civil Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering or similar programs.
Compliance Compliance indicates that a program satisfies the BAETE benchmark requirements of a criterion, policy or procedure
Computer Science and Engineering Sector Major programs in this sector include Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering or similar programs.
Concern A concern indicates that a program satisfies the BAETE benchmark requirements of a criterion, policy or procedure, but the potential exists for the situation to change, resulting in future non-compliance.
Concurrent Evaluation Concurrent evaluation means evaluating multiple programs at the same Higher Educational Institution (HEI).
Credit Hour For lectures, one credit hour is equivalent to 40 notional hours, of which at least 12.5 hours must be formalized classroom instruction in a semester. For laboratory classes, one credit hour is equivalent to 60 notional hours, of which at least 25 hours must be in classroom/ laboratory/ studio/ project/ dissertation in a semester.
Criteria Criteria are the standards on which a program is evaluated.
Deficiency A deficiency indicates that a criterion, policy, or procedure either does not exist or is in the elementary stage.
Direct Assessment Direct assessments directly observe student knowledge or attitude against measurable learning outcomes. Direct assessment tools include written and oral examinations, presentations, reports, etc.
Electrical Engineering Sector Major programs in this sector include Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Biomedical Engineering or similar programs.
Evaluation Team Usually, a team of three members reviews one or more programs of an HEI based on the criteria and accreditation policies and procedures.
Exit Meeting The meeting where the Evaluation Team orally shares its findings of the programs it reviewed.
Final Year Design Project A final year design project (FYDP) is a year-long major design experience for the students based on the knowledge and attitudes acquired in earlier course work and incorporating appropriate engineering standards and design constraints.
Head of Delegation The team leader of the BAETE evaluation team for concurrent evaluation of more than one program of an HEI.
Higher Educational Institution An education teaching establishment offering undergraduate or higher degrees.
Indirect Assessment Indirect assessments consider opinions on students’ knowledge and attitudes. The indirect assessment tools include surveys and questionnaires to gather stakeholders' perceptions, such as students, faculty members, alumni, employers, and industry.
Mechanical Engineering Sector Major programs in this sector include Mechanical Engineering, Industrial and Production Engineering, Textile Engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering or similar programs.
Notional Hours Notional hours include expected student learning times inside and outside the classroom.
Observer The observer(s) in the evaluation team shall only observe the entire accreditation procedure. The observer(s) should not provide their comments or suggestions to the evaluation team.
On-site Visit Typically, a three-day visit to the HEI meets the HEI’s officers, faculty, students, and other stakeholders, examines various documents, and observes the institutional facilities.
Outcome-based Education Outcome-based education (OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system on outcomes.
Post-visit Activities Post-visit activities include finalizing the Evaluation Team Report with findings from the review of the documents and on-site visit and providing a holistic judgement of each criterion against the benchmark requirements stipulated in ACC-MAN-02 (V2.2, V3.0).
Pre-visit Activities Pre-visit activities include but are not limited to a comprehensive review of the Self-assessment Report (SAR) submitted by the Evaluation Team, an exchange of preliminary findings from the documentation, and a compilation of the Findings from the SAR in the Evaluation Team Report.
Program A structured, integrated teaching and learning arrangement with a defined purpose led to an undergraduate engineering degree award.
Program Educational Objectives Program Educational Objectives are broad statements describing the career and professional accomplishments the program prepares graduates to achieve.
Program Outcomes Program Outcomes or graduate attributes are narrower statements describing what students are expected to know and be able to do by graduation.
Quality Assurance Cell The Quality Assurance Cell is BAETE’s committee for consistently checking the Evaluation Team Reports. The Cell comprises a Chair, one or more co-chairs, and several members. The Board decides on the number of members of the cell.
Recommendations Areas a program should address before the following review.
Requirements Areas a program must address before the following review.
Sectors One of five broad subject groups of engineering programs. There are five sectors: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. The Board may define new sectors if necessary.
Self-assessment Report A self-assessment report is a quantitative and qualitative account prepared by an education provider before the on-site evaluation of a program against a set of applicable accreditation criteria.
Strength Strength in a criterion is demonstrated when the program or the institution significantly exceeds the benchmark requirements for that criterion.
Weakness A weakness indicates that a program lacks the strength of compliance with a criterion, policy, or procedure, compromising the program's quality.


Acronym Definition
AA Alumni Association
ADM Accreditation Decision Meeting
AMS Accreditation Management System
BAETE Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education
BPERB Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board
BUET Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
CEP Complex Engineering Problems
CO Course Outcomes
CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
CV Curriculum Vitae
EA Engineering Activities
ETR Evaluation Team Report
GA Graduate Attributes
HEI Higher Educational Institution
HGS Honorary General Secretary
HoD Head of Delegation
IAP Industrial Advisory Panel
IEB The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
IEP The Institute of Engineers, Pakistan
IR Institutional Response
OBA Outcome-based Accreditation
OBE Outcome-based Education
PEO Program Educational Objectives
PO Program Outcomes
QAC Quality Assurance Cell
QACR Quality Assurance Cell Report
R&D Research and Development
SAR Self-assessment Report
SC Sectoral Committee
SCR Sectoral Committee Report
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
UGC University Grants Commission
UN-SDG United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
URL Uniform Resource Locator
VC Vice Chancellor
WA Washington Accord
WK Washington Accord Knowledge and Attitude Profile
WP Washington Accord Problem Attributes


Date Version Description of Change
April 23, 2024 1.0 Initial Release