Prof. Dr. Engr. M. R. Kabir

Prof. Dr. Engr. M. R. Kabir

Dr. Kabir has a distinguished academic and professional background spanning more than 30 years. He is currently working as a Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering at the Daffodil International University (DIU). Before joining DIU, he held various respectable academic positions such as Acting Registrar, Acting Vice Chancellor and Pro Vice Chancellor at the University of Asia Pacific, BUET Faculty Member, and Visiting Faculty at the University of Alberta, the University of Texas at Austin and the Technical University of Delft. He also served the department as Chair for 8 years. In addition, he has worked as a guest faculty members at several public and private universities of Bangladesh.

Dr. Kabir has about 40 publications in national and international journals and proceedings, including papers in the journals of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Natural Hazards, Urban Water, Science and Technology, and the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB). His current research interests include hydrology, river engineering, flood control, sediment transport, etc. He has supervised the thesis work of several under- and post-graduate students at BUET and UAP. He has been a member of the editorial and review boards of several technical journals and bulletins, including the IEB Journal of CE, Journal of WRE at BUET, the UAP Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the departmental Technical Bulletin.

In addition to teaching and research, he has worked as the principal investigator and main resource person in numerous government and non-government projects and has offered services as a technical expert to organizations such as IWM, IUCN, DWASA, LGED, the Department of Fisheries, the Water Development Board, and the Roads and Highways Department.

Dr. Kabir is currently a Life Fellow of the IEB as well as a Life Member of the Bangladesh Earthquake Society and the Bangladesh Computer Society.